Advertising Disclosure


Showable Art employs affiliate advertising links, which are links to specific products or merchants relevant to the content of the site. The publisher of Showable Art, Top Light Media LLC, may receive compensation through relationships with merchants mentioned on the site. When a reader clicks on an affiliate link and buys something on the merchant’s site, the merchant pays Top Light Media LLC (the publisher of Showable Art) a cash commission.

Affiliate Networks

Affiliate links are obtained through participation in affiliate networks. These networks provide banners and text links to the offers, and they also administer payments. To varying degrees, Showable Art participates in the following affiliate networks:

  • FlexOffers
  • ShareASale
  • Awin
  • CJ
  • Sovrn //Commerce


Showable Art does not engage in paid search advertising on search engine results pages. Further, Showable Art does not engage in keyword bidding to sell advertising space on the site.


Showable Art will be promoted on social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others. Showable Art will share articles and other content containing contributors’ artwork to these outlets.