Frenzied TreeTops whip violently in the powerful winter wind

Live Oak treetops whip in the wind. Photograph by Jeff Kauffman (141129A0014).
Photo © Jeff Kauffman, All Rights Reserved

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The Live Oak treetops whip violently in the winter winds of central Texas, while their decades-old, often centuries-old, trunks remain motionless. Unlike oak trees native to other parts of North America, Live Oaks are evergreen and have twisted, craggy limbs shooting off in all directions. They are sculptural in an abstract sense.

Artist’s Notes

I photographed this project in raw format using a Nikon D800 dSLR on a tripod. A 10-stop Neutral Density filter reduced the ambient light enough to support a long exposure. Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop were used for retouching and raw conversion.

Long exposure techniques captured the rapid motion of treetops against the cold blue sky. Protected from the wind, the camera was indoors and focused on the trees through an open patio door

The Artist

Jeff Kauffman is an art photographer in Austin, Texas USA. His work has appeared worldwide in publications, art festivals, and commercial venues. Selected works are available for purchase from GEO Galleries as well as these art and image licensing outlets.

You can follow Jeff directly on Instagram and LinkedIn social media platforms, as well as his website.

Live Oak treetops whip violently in the wind . Photograph by Jeff Kauffman (#141129A0013).
Blowing Trees #0013 ©Jeff Kauffman, All Rights Reserved
Live Oak trees whip violently in the wind. Photograph by Jeff Kauffman. (141129A0009)
Blowing Trees #009 ©Jeff Kauffman, All Rights Reserved